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Your melee attacks heal you for 20% of the Melee Damage dealt plus 90. This heal is 40% effective vs non-heroes.
When you perform a Light or Heavy Melee attack against a hero, deal Extra Spirit Damage with the attack and reduce the target's Spirit Resist
x Spirit Damage (adjusted by Spirit Power)
-12% Spirit Resist
8s Duration
Your Melee Attack applies Movement Slow and heals you for 55% of the Melee Damage dealt plus 110. This heal is 40% effective vs non-heroes.
60% Movement Slow (Conditional)
2.5s Slow Duration
Increases your Heavy Melee Charge distance. When you perform a Heavy Melee attack against an enemy, your weapon reloads instantly.
Your nest Dash-Jump does not cost an extra stamina and you gain Fire Rate and bonus Ammo until your next reload. Lasts up to 8s.
+30% Fire Rate (Conditional)
+5 Temporary Ammo (Conditional)
8s Duration
Removes the Movement Speed penalty while shooting.
Active (22s): Gain Movement Speed and Ammo.
+4m/s Movement Speed (Conditional)
+30% Temporary Ammo (Conditional)
4s Duration