I Goo Goo Gooooo You - Disruptor Support

Build Creator

The Village Idiot

The Village Idiot

Build Description

No hard build order. Make a choice of Splatter or Puddle Punch first based off what would feel better in your matchup. Get the other one asap.

Don't overlook getting The Cube second if you + your teammate need sustain and survival from a difficult matchup.

Key ability levels by priority

Puddle Punch 1 point: damage, healing, crowd control, and movement opportunities are doubled

Splatter 2 point: increase in damage and easier to hit, becomes a scary poking and dueling tool

Splatter 5 point: high damage + enables fast clearing of neutral farm. Scary for team fighting

Goo Ball 2 point: damage becomes difficult to ignore. Getting 2 or even just 1 hit creates solid combo starter or continuation

Goo Ball 5 point: enables more effective team fight disruption and mobility


Views: 150

Published: September 10, 2024

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Early Game Items

All of these items help in securing souls and keeping sustain long enough for Fortitude to come online. Order of early game items does not matter - get what makes sense when you have time at shop. Build with a short-term mentality with this priority in mind. If you are successful in one priority, build items for the next priority: Survival>Farming>Poking>Ganking. Don't dive enemy, but if they push, you should be strong enough to kill or get out.

High-Velocity Mag

High-Velocity Mag

500 Souls

+30% Bullet Velocity
14% Weapon Damage
+50 Bullet Shield Health
Melee Lifesteal

Melee Lifesteal

500 Souls

+15% Melee Damage
+75 Bonus Health

Your melee attacks heal you for 20% of the Melee Damage dealt plus 90. This heal is 40% effective vs non-heroes.

Spirit Strike

Spirit Strike

500 Souls

+100 Spirit Shield Health
+1 Health Regen
+15% Melee Damage

When you perform a Light or Heavy Melee attack against a hero, deal Extra Spirit Damage with the attack and reduce the target's Spirit Resist
x Spirit Damage (adjusted by Spirit Power)
-12% Spirit Resist
8s Duration

Mystic Burst

Mystic Burst

500 Souls

+40 Spirit Shield Health
+6% Weapon Damage

Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 80 damage or more in a single hit.
35 Bonus Damage

Mystic Reach

Mystic Reach

500 Souls

Increases the range and effect radius of your abilities and items.
+15% Ability Range
+5% Spirit Resist
Extra Charge

Extra Charge

500 Souls

+1 Bonus Ability Charges
+10% Cooldown Reduction for Charged Abilities
+6% Weapon Damage
Basic Magazine

Basic Magazine

500 Souls

24% Ammo
+15% Weapon Damage
Titanic Magazine Component
Sprint Boots

Sprint Boots

500 Souls

+2m/s Sprint Speed
+1 Health Regen
+4% Weapon Damage
Healing Rite

Healing Rite

500 Souls

+45 bonus health

Grant Regen and Sprint Speed to the target. Gets dispelled if you take damage from enemy players or objectives. Can be self-cast.
370 Total Health Regen
+2m/s Sprint Speed
17s Regen Duration
30m Cast Range

Mid Game Items

Fortitude and Enduring Speed are sustain and mobility foundation. Every other item is dependent on what the team needs. Improved armors are also not really negotiable unless opposing team has near zero bullet or spirit damage. Sell Melee Lifesteal when needed.



3000 Souls

+275 Bonus Health


After not taking damage for 11s, gain 4% Max Health Regen.
When you are above 75% health, you have bonus Weapon Damage and Movement Speed.
+25% Weapon Damage (Con.)
+2m/s Move speed (Con.)

Enduring Speed

Enduring Speed

1250 Souls

+1.4m/s Move Speed
+2m/s Sprint Speed
+75 Bonus Health
+1.5 Health Regen

Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow
+40% Movement Slow Resist

Improved Bullet Armor

Improved Bullet Armor

4250 Souls

+45% Bullet Resist
+10% Weapon Damage
Improved Spirit Armor

Improved Spirit Armor

4250 Souls

+45% Spirit Resist
+8 Spirit Power

Late Game Items

Actives that shut down key enemy opponents are how you make big impact in late game. Order of these items is not strict.



6300 Souls

+20% Weapon Damage
+8 Spirit Power

Curses an enemy - interrupting, Siliencing, Disarming, and preventing item usage.
3.25s Status Duration
20m Cast Range



3000 Souls

+1 Stamina
+200 Spirit Shield Health
+6 Spirit Power

Target is knocked down and Stunned after a 2s delay, interrupting and temporarily preventing them from taking any action.
0.9s Stun Duration
45m Cast Range

Improved Reach

Improved Reach

3500 Souls

+35% Imbued Ability Ability Range
+25% Non-Imbued Ability Ability Range
+10% Spirit Resist
+6 Spirit Power
Increases the range and effect radius of your abilities and items.
Toxic Bullets

Toxic Bullets

3000 Souls

+100 Health

Your bullets build up a Bleed on enemies, causing them to lose a percentage of their current health over time. Also applies Healing Reduction on the bleeding target.
5%/sec Bleed Damage
-65% Healing Reduction
3s Duration
10.3% Buildup Per Shot

Titanic Magazine

Titanic Magazine

3500 Souls

Components: Basic Magazine
100% Ammo
18% Weapon Damage
10% Bullet Resist
Rapid Recharge

Rapid Recharge

3500 Souls

+2 Bonus Ability Charges
+55% Faster Time Between Charges
+25% Charged Ability Cooldown Reduction


6300 Souls

+150 Bonus Health
+15% Spirit Resist
+1m/s Move Speed
+12 Spirit Power

Supress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm.
6s Duration

The Ricochet

The Ricochet

6300 Souls

+35% Ammo
+12% Fire Rate
+150 Bonus Health

Your bullets will ricochet on enemies near your target, applying any bullet procs and dealing percentage of the original damage.
50% Ricochet Damage
2 Ricochet Targets
14m Ricochet Range



3500 Souls

+50% Bullet Velocity
+15% Weapon Damage
+150 Bullet Shield

Landing a headshot deals bonus damage, heals you for a portion of your Max HP, and briefly grants you bonus move speed.
+140 Bonus Head Shot Damage
8% Heal per Headshot
+2 m/s
3s Duration

Situational Items

Restorative shot/Healing Rite if heavy lane pressure, build into Rescue Beam. Other items are simply items that could be useful. Use discretion based off the game.

Rescue Beam

Rescue Beam

3500 Souls

+125 Bonus Health
+2m/s Sprint Speed
+9 Spirit Power

Heals a target allied hero and yourself for a percentage of Max Health. Once while healing, you can Pull the target towards you. Can be self-cast.
30% Heal Amount
2.5s Channel Duration
45m Cast Range

Improved Burst

Improved Burst

3500 Souls

+100 Spirit Shield Health
+8% Weapon Damage

Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 125 damage or more in a single hit.
Targets are immune to the effects of Improved Burst for 5s after taking damage from it.
+10% Max Health Bonus Damage (Conditional)

Phantom Strike

Phantom Strike

6300 Souls

+15% Bullet Resist
+30% Weapon Damage

Teleport to an enemy target, applying Disarm, Slow, and dealing damage.
3s Disarm & Slow Duration
50% Movement Slow (Conditional)
150 Damage
25m Cast Range

Alchemical Fire

Alchemical Fire

3000 Souls

+225 Bullet Shield Health
+14% Weapon Damage
+7 Spirit Power

Throw a flash that explodes on contact, creating an area that does increasing Spirit Damage per second and causes enemies to recieve additional Weapon Damage from your team. Deals 40% less DPS vs non-heroes
45 DPS
+50% Weapon Damage (Conditional)
95 Max DPS
10 Radius
5s Duration

Warp Stone

Warp Stone

3000 Souls

+20% Weapon Damage
+8 Spirit Power

Teleport straight ahead, gaining Bullet Resist.
13m Teleport Range
+40% Bullet Resist (Conditional)
5s Buff Duration

Slowing Hex

Slowing Hex

1250 Souls

+1m/s Sprint Speed
+5 Spirit Power

Deals Spirit Damage and Slows targets movement and dashes. Also Silences their movement-based items and abilities. Does not affect target's stamina usage.
70 + (0.59 * Spirit Power) Spirit Damage
30% Movement Slow
25m Cast Range
3s Duration



7550 Souls

+25% Bullet Slow Proc
+15% Weapon Damage

For the next 4s, all your bullets immediately apply Silence. Silence prevents targets from using abilities.
2s Debuff Duration

Ability Point Order

Abilities L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16


Throws a ball of goo that deals damage and leaves puddles that slow nearby enemies.

Skill level 1 Skill level 2 Skill level 3 Skill level 4
The Cube

The Cube

Encases a target in a cube of restorative goo that purges debuffs, protects from debuffs, and increases health regen. Can be used on self. The target cannot use any action to escape the cube.

Skill level 1 Skill level 2 Skill level 3 Skill level 4
Puddle Punch

Puddle Punch

Viscous summons a fist that punches units and sends them flying. Enemies will be dealt damage, have their dash distance reduced, and have their movement slowed.

Skill level 1 Skill level 2 Skill level 3 Skill level 4
Goo Ball

Goo Ball

Viscous encases himself into a large goo ball that deals damage and stuns enemies on impact. The ball can double jump and bounce off walls

Skill level 1 Skill level 2 Skill level 3 Skill level 4
