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Gain Spirit Power and Spirit Lifesteal.
+16 Spirit Power
+20% Spirit Lifesteal
6s Duration
While reloading, pressing [R] during the highlighted portion will instantly finish your reload and grant you Fire Rate and Bullet Lifesteal.
+20% Fire Rate Conditional
+30% bullet Lifesteal Conditional
8s Duration
Your bullets apply a debuff that amplifies your Spirit Damage against the target and grants you Spirit Lifesteal against them.
10% Spirit Amp (Conditional)
+20% Spirit Lifesteal (Conditional)
6s Debuff Duration
When you deal Spirit Damage to enemies, you also apply Fire Rate Slow.
-25% Fire Rate Slow
2s Duration
Heal yourself and nearby allies. Heals an additional 20% per ally.
260 Total HP Regen
2s Regen Duration
18m Radius
Increases Weapon Damage as you continuously fire your weapon.
75% Max Weapon Damage (Conditional)
3s Time for Max Damage
45 Max HP Steal Per Bullet
20s Steal Duration
0.8s Max Frequency
100% Bullet Lifesteal
40% Fire Rate
50% Ammo
4.5s Duration
Your next bullet will heal you based on what target you hit.
30 Healing from Heroes
10 Healing from NPCs