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Deal bonus Weapon Damage with headshots
+45 Headshot Bonus Damage
When you are above 60% health, deal additional Weapon Damage.
+20% Weapon Damage (Conditional)
Grant Regen and Sprint Speed to the target. Gets dispelled if you take damage from enemy players or objectives. Can be self-cast.
370 Total Health Regen
+2m/s Sprint Speed
17s Regen Duration
30m Cast Range
Heal yourself and nearby allies. Heals an additional 20% per ally.
260 Total HP Regen
2s Regen Duration
18m Radius
Heals a target allied hero and yourself for a percentage of Max Health. Once while healing, you can Pull the target towards you. Can be self-cast.
30% Heal Amount
2.5s Channel Duration
45m Cast Range
When the target takes Spirit Damage, they have their Spirit Resist reduced.
-12% Spirit Resist
6s Duration
Your Spirit Damage applies Healing Reduction. If an enemy hero dies under this effect, you receive a large heal.
40% Healing Reduction (Conditional)
350 Heal on Hero Kill
6s Duration
Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow
+40% Movement Slow Resist
Your bullets apply a debuff that amplifies your Spirit Damage against the target and grants you Spirit Lifesteal against them.
10% Spirit Amp (Conditional)
+20% Spirit Lifesteal (Conditional)
6s Debuff Duration
Dealing Spirit Damage applies a stacking Spirit Amp that increases your Spirit Damage to the target.
+6% Spirit Amp per Stack
15s Duration
0.7s Max Frequency per Target
If a target takes Spirit damage, they have their Movement Speed and Fire Rate reduced.
+30% Movement Slow
+40% Fire Rate Slow
2s Duration
Your bullets build up a Bleed on enemies, causing them to lose a percentage of their current health over time. Also applies Healing Reduction on the bleeding target.
5%/sec Bleed Damage
-65% Healing Reduction
3s Duration
10.3% Buildup Per Shot