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Heal yourself and nearby allies. Heals an additional 20% per ally.
260 Total HP Regen
2s Regen Duration
18m Radius
Increases the effectiveness of your Healing and increases your resistance to healing reduction.
+25% Healing Effectiveness
+15% Heal Reduction Resistance
Heals a target allied hero and yourself for a percentage of Max Health. Once while healing, you can Pull the target towards you. Can be self-cast.
30% Heal Amount
2.5s Channel Duration
45m Cast Range
Provide Fire Rate to nearby player minions.
+40% Minions Fire Rate (Conditional)
20m Radius
Active: Provides bonus Movement Speed and Fire Rate to you and nearby allies
+3 m/s Movement Speed (Conditional)
+25% Fire Rate (Conditional)
30m Active Radius
5s Duration
Reset the cooldown of your most recently used non-ultimate ability.