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Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow
+40% Movement Slow Resist
Automatically deploy temporary Bullet and Spirit Shields when you are movement locked, Stunned, Chained, Immobilized, or Slept.
400 Bullet Shield Health (Conditional)
200 Spirit Shield Health (Conditional)
9s Duration
While reloading, pressing [R] during the highlighted portion will instantly finish your reload and grant you Fire Rate and Bullet Lifesteal.
+20% Fire Rate Conditional
+30% bullet Lifesteal Conditional
8s Duration
Your bullets apply a debuff that amplifies your Spirit Damage against the target and grants you Spirit Lifesteal against them.
10% Spirit Amp (Conditional)
+20% Spirit Lifesteal (Conditional)
6s Debuff Duration
Walking through a cosmic veil grants you Stealth, increased Movement Speed, restores all Bullet and Spirit Shields, and grants bonus Fire Rate for your next magazine.
Invisible (Status Effect)
3m/s Invis Move Speed (Conditional)
+30% Fire Rate (Conditional)
5s Invisibility Duration
Imbue an ability with permanent Spirit Power. When that ability is used, gain bonus Movement Speed.
+34 Spirit Power
+3m/s Move Speed
Your bullets will ricochet on enemies near your target, applying any bullet procs and dealing percentage of the original damage.
50% Ricochet Damage
2 Ricochet Targets
14m Ricochet Range
Your bullets build up a Bleed on enemies, causing them to lose a percentage of their current health over time. Also applies Healing Reduction on the bleeding target.
5%/sec Bleed Damage
-65% Healing Reduction
3s Duration
10.3% Buildup Per Shot
+45 Spirit Power
0.8% Buildup Per Shot
18s Duration
Increases Weapon Damage as you continuously fire your weapon.
75% Max Weapon Damage (Conditional)
3s Time for Max Damage
Supress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm.
6s Duration
Upon casting an ultimate ability gain temporary Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Spirit Power.
700 Bullet Shield
700 Spirit Shield
+40 Spirit Power
15s Duration
Summon a Magic Carpet that will fly you away and gain Bullet and Spirit Shields. Cannot use abilities while the carpet is being summoned. While flying you are immune to slows and doing any action will dismiss the carpet.
+400 Bullet & Spirit Shield Health
7.7s Duration
1.3s Summon Duration
+6m/s Bonus Fly Speed
17.6s Shield Duration