Imbue an ability with bonus Spirit Damage on the first hit. When the ability is used, your weapon is reloaded and has a Fire Rate bonus for that clip.
50 Spirit Damage
15% Fire Rate Bonus
12s Max Frequency
Reduces Bullet Resist on enemies when you deal Spirit Damage.
-12% Bullet Resist
8s Duration
While reloading, pressing [R] during the highlighted portion will instantly finish your reload and grant you Fire Rate and Bullet Lifesteal.
+20% Fire Rate Conditional
+30% bullet Lifesteal Conditional
8s Duration
Briefly gain Fire Rate and Move Speed when one of your bullets hits an enemy hero.
+30% Fire Rate (Conditional)
+2 m/s Move Speed (Conditional)
3s Duration
Grants Bullet Resist when your bullets hit an enemy hero. Each shot can only grant one stack.
36% Max Bullet Resist
2% Bullet Resist per Stack
20s Stack Duration
Increases Weapon Damage as you continuously fire your weapon.
75% Max Weapon Damage (Conditional)
3s Time for Max Damage
+45 Spirit Power
0.8% Buildup Per Shot
18s Duration
After not taking damage for 11s, gain 4% Max Health Regen.
When you are above 75% health, you have bonus Weapon Damage and Movement Speed.
+25% Weapon Damage (Con.)
+2m/s Move speed (Con.)
Supress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm.
6s Duration
Your nest Dash-Jump does not cost an extra stamina and you gain Fire Rate and bonus Ammo until your next reload. Lasts up to 8s.
+30% Fire Rate (Conditional)
+5 Temporary Ammo (Conditional)
8s Duration
Your Weapon Damage increases as you take sustained damage.
+5% Weapon Damage per Stack
110 Damage taken to Stack, 10 Max Stacks, 10s Duration
You enter a void state and become untargetable and invincible for a short duration, during which you cannot move or perform any actions.
Afterwards you instantly reload and gain bonus Spirit Power.
3.5s Duration
+14 Bonus Spirit Power
10s Bonus Spirit Duration
Imbue an ability with permanent Spirit Power. When that ability is used, gain bonus Movement Speed.
+34 Spirit Power
+3m/s Move Speed
When you have a Bullet Shield, gain Weapon Damage and Fire Rate.
+28% Weapon Damage While Shielded
+8% Fire Rate While Shielded
100% Bullet Lifesteal
40% Fire Rate
50% Ammo
4.5s Duration
Your bullets will ricochet on enemies near your target, applying any bullet procs and dealing percentage of the original damage.
50% Ricochet Damage
2 Ricochet Targets
14m Ricochet Range
Landing a headshot deals bonus damage, heals you for a portion of your Max HP, and briefly grants you bonus move speed.
+140 Bonus Head Shot Damage
8% Heal per Headshot
+2 m/s
3s Duration