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Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 80 damage or more in a single hit.
35 Bonus Damage
Deal additional Weapon Damage when beyond a minimum distance from your target.
+40% Weapon Damage (Conditional)
15m Min. Distance
Sharpshooter Component
Your bullets apply a debuff that amplifies your Spirit Damage against the target and grants you Spirit Lifesteal against them.
10% Spirit Amp (Conditional)
+20% Spirit Lifesteal (Conditional)
6s Debuff Duration
Imbue an ability with bonus Spirit Damage on the first hit. When the ability is used, your weapon is reloaded and has a Fire Rate bonus for that clip.
50 Spirit Damage
15% Fire Rate Bonus
12s Max Frequency
Reduces Bullet Resist on enemies when you deal Spirit Damage.
-12% Bullet Resist
8s Duration
When you have a Bullet Shield, gain Weapon Damage and Fire Rate.
+28% Weapon Damage While Shielded
+8% Fire Rate While Shielded
Deal additional Weapon Damage when beyond minimum distance from your target.
+60% Weapon Damage
15m Min. Distance
Deal Bonus Weapon Damage with headshots
+100 Head Shot Bonus Damage
3s Cooldown
Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 125 damage or more in a single hit.
Targets are immune to the effects of Improved Burst for 5s after taking damage from it.
+10% Max Health Bonus Damage (Conditional)
Landing a headshot deals bonus damage, heals you for a portion of your Max HP, and briefly grants you bonus move speed.
+140 Bonus Head Shot Damage
8% Heal per Headshot
+2 m/s
3s Duration
24% Bullet Resist Reduction
24% Spirit Resist Reduction
5s Debuff Duration
Your bullets have a chance to be empowered, causing them to deal bonus damage and Slow on hit
80% bonus Damage
30% Movement Slow (Conditional)
80% Bonus Damage
30% Movement Slow (Conditional)
30% Proc Chance
1.5s Slow Duration
Your bullets apply Movement Slow and reduce the target's outgoing damage on hit.
25% Movement Slow (Conditional)
-35% Damage Penalty (Conditional)
2.5s Debuff Duration
Imbue an ability to apply slow in a radius around the target and deal an additional percentage of the damage dealt to enemies around the target after a short delay.
+40% Damage (Conditional)
+50% Movement Slow (Conditional)
16m Radius
3s Delay Duration