Super Healer

Build Creator

Wax Gamer

Wax Gamer

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Views: 153

Published: November 3, 2024

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Early Game Items

High-Velocity Mag

High-Velocity Mag

500 Souls

+30% Bullet Velocity
14% Weapon Damage
+50 Bullet Shield Health
Close Quarters

Close Quarters

500 Souls

85 Bullet Shield Health

Deal additional Weapon Damage when in close range to your target
+25% Weapon Damage (Conditional)
15m Close Range
Point Blank Component

Extra Stamina

Extra Stamina

500 Souls

+1 Stamina
+10% Stamina Recovery
+7% Fire Rate
Sprint Boots

Sprint Boots

500 Souls

+2m/s Sprint Speed
+1 Health Regen
+4% Weapon Damage
Improved Cooldown

Improved Cooldown

1250 Souls

Reduces the Cooldown of your abilities and items.
+16% Cooldown Reduction
+1.5 Health Regen
Duration Extender

Duration Extender

1250 Souls

Increases the Duration of your abilities and items.
+16% Ability Duration
+100 Bonus Health
+1.75 Health Regen
Mystic Reach

Mystic Reach

500 Souls

Increases the range and effect radius of your abilities and items.
+15% Ability Range
+5% Spirit Resist

Mid Game Items

Alchemical Fire

Alchemical Fire

3000 Souls

+225 Bullet Shield Health
+14% Weapon Damage
+7 Spirit Power

Throw a flash that explodes on contact, creating an area that does increasing Spirit Damage per second and causes enemies to recieve additional Weapon Damage from your team. Deals 40% less DPS vs non-heroes
45 DPS
+50% Weapon Damage (Conditional)
95 Max DPS
10 Radius
5s Duration

Hunter's Aura

Hunter's Aura

3000 Souls

+150 Bonus Health

Reduce nearby enemies' Bullet Resist and Fire Rate. If there is only one enemy hero nearby, this effect is tripled.
-10% Bullet Resist (Conditional)
10% Fire Rate Slow (Conditional)
15m Radius

Healing Booster

Healing Booster

1250 Souls

+6% Spirit Resist
+2 Health Regen

Increases the effectiveness of your Healing and increases your resistance to healing reduction.
+25% Healing Effectiveness
+15% Heal Reduction Resistance

Enchanter 's Barrier

Enchanter 's Barrier

1250 Souls

+300 Spirit Shield Health

While you have a Spirit Shield, gain bonus Spirit Power and Cooldown Reduction.
+20 Spirit Power While Shielded
+8% Cooldown Reduction While Shielded

Divine Barrier

Divine Barrier

1250 Souls

+1m/s Sprint Speed
+75 Health
+8% Ability Range

Provide the target with Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Movement Speed. Can be self-cast.
300 Bullet Shield
300 Spirit Shield
+2m/s Move Speed
5s Duration
35m Cast Range

Superior Stamina

Superior Stamina

3500 Souls

+3 Stamina
+20% Stamina Recovery
+30% Air Jump/Dash Distance
+7% Fire Rate
+8 Spirit Power

Increases the number of Air Dashes and Air Jumps that can be performed before landing from 1 to 2

Enduring Speed

Enduring Speed

1250 Souls

+1.4m/s Move Speed
+2m/s Sprint Speed
+75 Bonus Health
+1.5 Health Regen

Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow
+40% Movement Slow Resist

Superior Cooldown

Superior Cooldown

4250 Souls

+32% Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction
+24% Non-Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction
+4 Health Regen
Superior Duration

Superior Duration

4250 Souls

Increases the duration of your abilities and items.
+32% Imbued Ability Duration
+26% Non-Imbued Ability Duration
+175 Bonus Health
+15% Weapon Damage
+4 Health Regen

Late Game Items

Spiritual Overflow

Spiritual Overflow

6300 Souls

+20% Fire Rate
+15% Cooldown Reduction
+10% Spirit Lifesteal

+45 Spirit Power
0.8% Buildup Per Shot
18s Duration

Magic Carpet

Magic Carpet

6300 Souls

+10% Ability Duration
+15 Spirit Power
+150 Bonus Health

Summon a Magic Carpet that will fly you away and gain Bullet and Spirit Shields. Cannot use abilities while the carpet is being summoned. While flying you are immune to slows and doing any action will dismiss the carpet.
+400 Bullet & Spirit Shield Health
7.7s Duration
1.3s Summon Duration
+6m/s Bonus Fly Speed
17.6s Shield Duration

Improved Reach

Improved Reach

3500 Souls

+35% Imbued Ability Ability Range
+25% Non-Imbued Ability Ability Range
+10% Spirit Resist
+6 Spirit Power
Increases the range and effect radius of your abilities and items.
Mystic Reverb

Mystic Reverb

6300 Souls

+15% Spirit Lifesteal
+15% Spirit Resist
+15% Ability Range

Imbue an ability to apply slow in a radius around the target and deal an additional percentage of the damage dealt to enemies around the target after a short delay.
+40% Damage (Conditional)
+50% Movement Slow (Conditional)
16m Radius
3s Delay Duration

Diviner's Kevlar

Diviner's Kevlar

6300 Souls

+20% Spirit Lifesteal
+12% Cooldown Reduction

Upon casting an ultimate ability gain temporary Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Spirit Power.
700 Bullet Shield
700 Spirit Shield
+40 Spirit Power
15s Duration

Situational Items

Rescue Beam

Rescue Beam

3500 Souls

+125 Bonus Health
+2m/s Sprint Speed
+9 Spirit Power

Heals a target allied hero and yourself for a percentage of Max Health. Once while healing, you can Pull the target towards you. Can be self-cast.
30% Heal Amount
2.5s Channel Duration
45m Cast Range

Soul Rebirth

Soul Rebirth

6300 Souls

+18% Cooldown Reduction
+20% Weapon Damage
+12 Spirit

If you die, after 4s you will respawn at your death location with partial health.
+50% Rebirth Health



6300 Souls

+25% Weapon Damage
+175 Bonus Health

Your bullets apply Movement Slow and reduce the target's outgoing damage on hit.
25% Movement Slow (Conditional)
-35% Damage Penalty (Conditional)
2.5s Debuff Duration

Improved Spirit

Improved Spirit

3500 Souls

+21 Spirit Power
+2 Health regen
+1m/s Sprint speed
+75 Bonus Health


6300 Souls

+16% Spirit Resist
+8% Bullet Resist

Reset the cooldown of all your abilities and restore all your charges

Ability Point Order

Abilities L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16
Kinetic Pulse

Kinetic Pulse

Releases a pulse of energy that knocks enemies into the air.

Skill level 1 Skill level 2 Skill level 3 Skill level 4
Quantum Entanglement

Quantum Entanglement

Dynamo disappears into the void, and then reappears a distance away. Dynamo can bring allies with him.

Skill level 1 Skill level 2 Skill level 3 Skill level 4
Rejuvenating Aurora

Rejuvenating Aurora

While channeling, Dynamo creates an AoE that restores health over time to himself and nearby allies.

Skill level 1 Skill level 2 Skill level 3 Skill level 4
Dynamo Singularity

Dynamo Singularity

Creates a black hole that pulls in nearby enemies and damages them. Once finished, enemies are knocked up into the air.

Skill level 1 Skill level 2 Skill level 3 Skill level 4
